3. Major expansion of peer and cultural workforces
We need to develop an equitable balance, in status and in numbers, of three workforces to share in the delivery of all the Big Community responses, across the lifespan:
- Peer workforce (including people with lived experience of distress/addiction and whānau).
- Cultural workforces (including Māori and Pasifika).
- Traditional workforces (such as medical professionals, allied professionals and support workers).
The three workforces need to have the capacity to:
- Respect human rights.
- Work in partnership with people and their whānau.
- Focus on improving their self-defined health and life outcomes.
- Connect them to their personal, whānau and community resources.
- Apply Tikanga values.
- Work with people from different cultures and backgrounds.
- Recognise and respond to trauma.
- Offer harm minimisation and abstinence options to people with addiction.
- Collaborate closely with communities and other workforces.